Transit 3 – Theatre-Women-Generations


18-28 JANUARY 2001

Presentation | Program | Workshops | Invited Artists

Transit 3 was dedicated to Melissa of Gotas de Rap

Master/pupil relationships, independent auto-didactic realities, the practice of workshops and training, traditional western schooling, the passing on of a craft through family connections or apprenticeship, or the absence of references, are different examples of how theatre knowledge and practice is transmitted from one generation to the other. Compulsory schooling, the need to earn a living, the forty-five minute rhythms of lessons, the demand to produce quick results and to sell, and the artistic process of live performance being taken over by mass events and television – all these factors are influencing the way of teaching and learning for women who work in theatre. The generation of women who now embody experience and can reflect upon the early years when they knew clearly what they wanted, but lacked the tools to achieve their aims, faces a younger generation of women whose perceptions and expectations are different. Transit III explored what and how we can learn from each other, and what experiences can be shared across the generations. During the festival some of the performances directly addressed the questions of the learning and teaching process in theatre, while others presented themes and characters that explore the needs of women of different ages and from diverse cultural backgrounds. Transit III involved women practitioners, artists, intellectuals and scholars from Europe, America, New Zealand and Asia to present performances, videos, demonstrations and lectures, to give workshops and participate in discussions. Particular attention was given to young practitioners and older artists searching for renewal. Transit III saw the theme of “Generations” as a lifetime of growing.

The programme included vocal and physical training (Entrances), demonstrations by masters and pupils together (Bridges), presentations of exercises considered to be essential by practitioners of different theatrical ages (Corner Stones), lectures, concerts and performances.

During eleven days 5 workshops, 25 performances and 10 debates were presented by: ODIN TEATRET, Denmark; THE MAGDALENA PROJECT, Wales; GILLA CREMER, Germany; DEBORAH HUNT, Puerto Rico/New Zealand; Birute Marcinkeviciute, Lithuania; VOIX POLYPHONIQUES, France; GRENLAND FRITEATER, Norway; Birgitte Grimstad, Norway; MAGDALENA AOTEAROA, New Zealand; MARIA CANEPA, Chile; ALMA THEATRE, Wales; ANA WOOLF, Argentina; TOPENG SHAKTI, Bali; TEATRO DELLE RADICI, Switzerland; SAGLIOCCO ENSEMBLE, France/Norway; Marianela BoAn, Cuba; JO RANDERSON, New Zealand; Verena Tay, Singapore; Gilly Adams, Wales; Josefina Báez, Dominican Republic/New York; Magdalena Segunda Generación, Argentina; Marie-Josée Ordener, France; Ya-Ling Peng, Taiwan; Teatret Om, Denmark; Chiara Zamboni, Italy. Exhibition The Transit III programme was illustrated by Dorthe Kærgaard, Denmark, who also exhibited her paintings at Odin Teatret during the festival.