Theatre that climbs mountains
15 January 2024, 6 p.m. (Rome local time)
Sunaina Panthy (Nepal) dialogues with Julia Varley
Moderator: Claudio La Camera
Webinar in English
(simultaneous translation into English and Italian available)
Participation is free of charge,
attendees’ registration is required at the following link:
Julia Varley will ask Sunaina to talk about her active engagement in community theatre, chidren’s theatre, and various forms of expressive arts in the villages of Nepal. The photographs of perfomances spread in the mountains of Nepal awaken curiosity. Sunaina aims to empower women within the community, promote good mental health, and create awareness on various social issues, and she also focuses on drama education, expressive arts and creative activities for children. Julia and Sunaina were first in contact when Sunaina visited Denmark to participate in a Odin Week festival in June 2016 and are now collaborating for the publicaiton of an issue of The Open Page on the theme Theatre – Women – Memory.
Sunaina Panthy is a theatre praticionner from Nepal, focusing on social, educational and community-based themes. With over 10 years of experience, Sunaina uses methods like black box and community theatre. She is inspired by how live perfomances help address Nepal’s social, cultural, and mental health issues, blending new theatrical ideas and expressive arts into her work. Currently, she is preparing a play about the interaction between a Buddhist monk and an ordinary Nepali woman, set to be produced in 2025.
Fondazione Barba Varley ETS
Fondazione Dario Fo e Franca Rame